The Xnet Fanclub 98 was this year held in Stockholm, Sweden. Approximately 6000 Xnet fans attended the event. Photos will appear soon.
The Message Board will be down for a while, but the one player chat module is working fine, as well as the guestbook and the electronic mail option.
Martin told Lars that he would beat him up if he didn't fix the horribly coded tables in the Xpo menu page. So Lars fixed it and, as a bonus, replaced the ugly Xpo headline with a nicer one.
The links page is now up. Available in the Comm area.
The Comm area got a Message Board added. Here you can discuss everything about this site or just relax and talk about the weather or the mysterious Kenneth. An x-tra life goes to Christian Akerlund for the nice db-engine, created in Cold Fusion.
ShockRave also wants to showcase the Xnet Music Xperience, the export is a fact :)
ShockRave wants to showcase Monkey Maze: "Macromedia wishes to feature this exceptional work on our new entertainment site ShockRave. Macromedia would be interested in licensing the rights to this artful piece."
If you want to vote for Xnet.se in the GP Attityd Web Awards, please feel free to do so: choose the Xnet button!"
We got this from Macromedia: "Congratulations! Your site has been selected to be Macromedia's Shocked Site of the Day for today, May 27th. To view the Shocked Site of the Day visit: http://www.macromedia.com/shockzone/ssod/!"
Xnet.se finished no 8 in the Swedish advertising newspaper Resumé's web awards for April-98, 47 sites contested.
The betamania progress continues, check out the latest here!
Xnet Music Xperience reached:beta v.2 with a new loader and lots of new fun functions, read the "help file"
Games area progress: Lars is finished modelling the new games system. Have a sneak peek in the gallery.
XNet Music Xperience V1.0 is now upgarded to 1.1, including new turboloader (40% faster) and some new features as "mute loop button" and new highscores.(check out the eastereggs too :)
Mystery mania, the friend Kenneth appears on screen..
XNet Music Xperience V1.0 is ready, check it out here!.
A sneak preview of Anim8typeII is launched in the xpo-section.
Hype Banner, the worlds first chatbanner is out now!
Xman Martin Cedergren has activated himself, check out some stuff here!.
Rumours says that the Xmen were captured by aliens last night, huh, they seem to be heading.. *rEf¤5f/ERR"#¤
+++ no connection
More photos by Xman Viktor added in his M.O.P. area.
Working late nights can be dangerous for your mental health; Lars has serious plans on buying one of those sleek new G3 powerbooks... a good nights sleep might help.
Lars has set off on a new Flash project as a part of the upcoming Xnet Flash Overhaul.
The Comm section is now activated. The Chat section is still glued though, so enter at your own risk.
The guy who had a Bob Dog poster outside his apartment just bought 20 percent of Xnet, so the xmen are now five. Specs available in the near future.
Fredrik was spotted heading for Stockholm, Sweden, along with his girlfriend and their netbaby.

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