Have you ever wondered why skaters dress like they do? And what about the fact that only non-skaters claim they have been abducted by aliens that peformed all kinds of experiments on them? Skaters worldwide obviously know what is keeping them from abduction. Since non-skaters don't, Xnet Tips? here uncovers this abduction workaround; baggies and beanies (or how to avoid being abducted by aliens just by trying to look like one). Let us compare:

1: Head. The heads of the two species are different by nature; the skater's heads are much smaller compared to their bodies. Skaters fix this problem by wearing a beanie, a hat that doubles or sometimes triples the total size of the head.

2: Eyes. Alien eyes are much bigger. This is because flying saucers do not have Windows, so they need to have really big eyes to see in which direction they are flying, and since accurate navigation in space is vital in aliens endeavour to reduce fuel costs, eyes cover a large part of the head. Skaters compensate for this lack of eye-size by wearing really big sunglasses, covering the rest of the head area that is not occupied by the beanie.

3: Legs. Anatomic studies show that legs only are a rudimentary part of alien bodies. For skaters this is not a problem as long as they wear baggies, a form of trousers that hang down to knee level. This outfit allows for almost identical leg-size appearance compared to aliens.

4: Ground handling. Having very small legs, aliens do not walk like humans. Instead, they float approximately 10 to 15 centimeters above the ground surface. Skaters do not have this problem, but for similarity reasons they simulate floating by standing on a board equipped with wheels.

The four steps described above are followed to avoid similarities with humans and to avoid being abducted.

The Xnet Brazilian section contributed to this report.